5 Best Camera Apps For the iPhone

Why Apple is brilliant - Reason # 143rd They even know how to make money when you are doing things wrong.

can not tell me that $ 600 phone with a camera could not zoom feature. However, Apple was selling the concept of community: You've bought the phone, remained Apps. What better way to get the first camera application started, but mutilation of packaged software? However, even diabolical Apple marketers were not able to predict what comes next.

from a simple camera to Enhance facial recognition bar games, the developers have created a fantastic application, "fix" the iPhone. Here are 5 of the best applications for the iPhone camera - enjoy

Gorillacam, Joby, Inc. 's free. This is definitely the best app for making a built-in camera to do what it should do, and is arguably the best general-purpose camera enhancer out there. It does not deal with much in the way of finessing photos, it just gives photographers the tools to capture the best picture possible. In addition to common-sense "tap anywhere" to capture and 4x zoom, Gorillacam a bubble level, the "rule of thirds' grid layer, unlimited fast to shoot at 1.6 frames per second, 3-shot bursts, self-timer, time-lapse, and anti-shake. Gorillacam is all about photography. Period.

Best Cinematography, Chase Jarvis, $ 2.99. Famous Photographer Chase Jarvis is behind this, and it lets you apply filters collected from the work of guess who. Yes, Chase Jarvis.Filteri are simple and scalable - if you want Photoshop on your iPhone, you'll have to wait a bit. No, you can filter layer over one another to create some interesting effects, camera and likes to share: Twitter, Facebook, and e-mail are all just a click away. Like all serious camera improvement applications, of course, the best camera zooms just fine.

only portrait camera, Pressel, $ 0.99. need your picture, you bloody narcissist. Yes, in all its glory. Or you and a friend. He insists on the face (a) be in the center of the shot, which should suit you just fine. Place your iPhone level somewhere or keep him up, and leave the ring - SPC tells you when it's time to close. "Three ... two ... one ..." and Presto! It's you, on your iPhone. You, you, you!

Night Shot, John Smith, $ 0.99. There are a variety of flash, low-light or night photography applications (depending on how the term genre), but none as nice does not work. You do not need to say "... but at least he got the picture" when you show off your work, and it is packed with features. 2MP output, 3MP at GS.

Snap Judgement Fun Pack, Blindside Studio Ltd., $ 2.99. There is no accounting for taste, a taste of our times is absurd. This is what Blindside sales in accordance Snap Judgement. Take someone's picture and analysis of the likelihood that your company is going to betray their secrets, use deodorant, etc. "Fun Pack" includes the original, Fortune, annoy me, girl, boy, constipation, and BFF.Apsurd: Snap Judgement is a conversation starter. Interview begins: "There is no way you can know that!" Of course, no! Why do you think underwear bomber got through? But, voila, the ice is broken! If you want more categories of judgments, other professionals and "Paks" are available. Buy 'anthology Pak "for $ 6.99 and let your iPhone judge every social interaction you experience. Then ask for advice.

Just one final note to remember: While many iPhone applications are compatible with the iPod Touch and IPAD, these applications do not, because neither the iPad or iPod touch has a built in camera
