9 Quick Tips for a Great Phone Interview

For years, experts have been instructed in the countless shades and effective strategies for face-to-face interviews. Everything from body language and kind of clothes to wear under stress. However, in an attempt to save time and money, many employers now use telephone interviews to screen candidates before they are made ​​for in-person interviews. If you are unsure about how to work their magic on the other end of phone calls, here are some quick tips for great telephone interview:

1 Do not be caught off guard - it is best to expect the full interview is conducted, not just a quick chat. Keep copies of your resume, your references, statistics relating to your experience and questions the examiners have at hand. If you receive an unexpected invitation, request, if possible, to be called as soon as I can and keep copies of related documents on your laptop or phone.

2 Do it at home call - If you are expecting a call to come through, make sure to stay at home all day. Interview for a position when sitting in a Starbucks or a local diner May seem comfortable to you, but it will come off as unprofessional on the recruiter. I use a cell phone, which can lead to dropped calls and poor reception, will only jeopardize the process further. Also, an interview at your current job is disrespectful to the current employer and wisely.

3 Smiling while talking - even if the conversation could not see his face, a smile spread through tone of voice as well as the confidence and maturity. Make sure to stay enthusiastic and engaged.

4 Learn how to turn off - It is understandable that you May have to drink water during the hour of conversation, but the person on the phone does not need to know. Use the 'mute' button for drinking water, changing position, coughing, or even when writing.

5 Do not talk about salary - While recruiters use phone calls to save on costs, there are still some topics covered in the best person. If the question of salaries is expected to come, mention that you would like to talk about it in person. If the recruiter insists, try to have a series of preparations for their area and level and express your expectations that fall within this range.

6 Prepare answers in advance - You May feel like spontaneous responses work better for you, but it's still in mind the best possible answers to the questions in advance. Questions relating to the knowledge of your field, future goals and strengths and weaknesses are sure to arise, but it is easy to travel if you guard. Hiring a professional trainer to find work to help in the preparation of the interview could be a good investment.

7 Be polite - even if you're on the phone with someone and not meet in person, etiquette issues. Let me finish before you speak. Ask questions in a friendly yet polite manner and keep all the noise - or the family pet -. From the room

8 To convince the interviewer - a point of discussion to convince another person that you are fit for the job. Going off topic, jumping from point to point, and talking in circles to do the opposite. Be concise and informative how to get your key messages across.

9 We apologize for any wrong step - a simple error, such as hearing the name incorrectly or the wrong question to be immediately apologized for. Trying to hide them only makes things worse.