Samsung Ban Apple Offers iPhone 4S in Australia

Samsung Ban Apple Offers iPhone 4S in Australia

AUSTRALIA-Samsung Jolt behind Apple to halt sale of iPhone in Autralia 4S, just days after the latest Apple mobile phones were sold worldwide.

Samsung filed a lawsuit in Federal Court in New South Wales Registry today, and separately filed an appeal of the verdict last week by a Court prohibiting the sale of Galaxy Tab 10.1 in Australia.

Not only in Australia, Samsung also filed a lawsuit to stop selling iPhone 4S in court Tokyo, Japan. So as reported by Wato Day, Tuesday (17/10/2011)

"Samsung filed a lawsuit in Australia, about three patent infringement related to wireless telecommunications standards, in particular the Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA) and HSPA," Samsung Australia said in a statement.

While in Japan, Samsung sued related offence in one of the High Speed Packet Access (HSPA) standards that relate to patents, as well as three patent user interface.

Samsung Australia also said, "the decision on Apple's device sales should be immediately terminated, because Apple has violated our copyright, and use our technology for free, Samsung will continue to protect its intellectual property".