Mobile Phone Operating Systems

1 Blackberry RIM OS

Research In Motion or RIM pioneered the smart phone development and carried out this BlackBerry OS emphasized simple user interface and navigation. Even today, this rule supreme.

2 Google Android OS

Developed by a small development company, Google has swallowed a company owned by the Android OS, which has evolved into an advanced mobile OS.

3 Symbian OS is the Symbian Foundation

Symbian today is a direct competitor to Android and Apple's IOS. Symbian is a continuous process of development. Symbian OS is really under the auspices of Nokia, the leading mobile phone manufacturers in the world.

4 iOS Apple

Apple's belated entry into the smart phone segment, and today he scored heavily with his Apple iPhone with Apple's in house OS, IOS. Apple continues to lead the smartphone segment with a more startling development comes.

5 Microsoft Windows OS

Microsoft finally graduated from the Windows Mobile OS launched their latest Windows OS Windows 7 by phone.

6 webOS HP

This is the OS installed on a Linux base, originally developed by Palm and now taken over by HP.

7 Samsung Bada OS

Developed by Samsung through its R & D, this OS is expected to fulfill a craving for a Samsung proprietary OS.

8 Brew OS by Qualcomm

Brew OS is running in most mobile phones, without marked as such. Brew now has just discovered its existence behind many top brands of mobile phones.

Whatever the OS, their purpose is to revolutionize the concept of functional capacity and quality. These have been successfully achieved in a very large extent. In the next few years to come, Mobile OS will play the game changing role in the evolution of mobile devices.