2 Fooducate : THS has approximately over 250,000 UPCs stored in its database. Here's how it works: You walk through the store trying to find something healthy to feed obitelj.Prehrambene on the back is full of old Sumerian writing and more confusing than the code of the Davinci Code. What do you do? You can scan the UPC and Fooducate speaks precisely, it is easy to understand nutritional information.
3 Shazam : You can be the cool guy or girl who can always tell which is hearing the song, but can never quite remember the name. Shazam identifies the song, and even give you the opportunity to purchase a song via Amazon MP3. Hey, mark songs which you hear about nostalgia!
4 Yahoo! Mail: Again, keeping it simple. Do you have multiple e-mail or just one important? After Yahoo! mail at hand is more convenient than you know. Get all your important messages from friends, family and clients instantly! This is a big plus for freelancers of all sorts!
5 Google Maps : Never get lost again. Use Google Maps to get from a bad neighborhood, or to help you find a local Italian food. This is a feature of the smart phone. That is why we have them in the first place,. Required knowledge and references in the immediate reach of
As you can see, there is no reason to get out of the ordinary with Android applications selected. Of course, we all have our preferences, but there are these basic applications will make your life much easier.