Useful Tips for Mobile Phone Protection


internal components such as micro-chip issues.

External problems such as lost or stolen phone.

External problems such as lost or stolen phone.


While problems such as broken cell phone headset plugs or other issues arise from time to time, the biggest problem is krađa.Nedavna survey showed that each year more than 60 million phones are lost, stolen or damaged due to accident or negligence. This means that at least once in every four mobile users suffer from such problems.

steps when Mobile is lost

When the mobile is lost or stolen, a few steps can help. Although it could be a good take effective steps to protect mobile phone if eventualities take place, May there be no other way than to go for damage repair. The following steps are suggested -

  • When the phone is lost immediately notify the holders of mobile phones.
  • At the request of the service provider will shut down and turn off the cell phone line, so no more charges accrue on the phone.
  • police report is important, as the mobile phone is stolen should be compensated and it is necessary that the file does not use the stolen phone.
  • It is also necessary to inform the insurance company with a mobile device is secured.

Steps to protect your mobile phone at other times

Steps to protect your mobile phone at other times


, but cell phone protection does not apply to theft or burglary alone. Such protection is also needed at other times when the phone is not stolen. For example, it would be a good move by cell phone users to use the security features in a phone that will be used. It will be necessary to keep a copy of all your contacts and other data stored in memory, so that in case of collision of memory can be retrieved.
