We obviously have an unhealthy relationship for our adored mobile phones. They are used constantly, they have become part of who we are, and we lost when our mobile phone becomes non-functional or misplaced. Have you noticed feeling when we forget the cell phone at home? Its almost as if we forgot the purse or wallet, my feeling is not complete yet these phones cause some real health concerns need to be aware.
Back in 1993, mobile operators (Telecomm Industry) did some testing that showed that the real danger caused by the transmitter to your mobile phone. The transmitter is a method of your phone calls with mobile phones and towers to be (and not) penetrate the skin, creating havoc inside your body. Many clinical studies have concluded that emissions from mobile phones causes degeneration of the structure of our cells. This degeneration occurs at much lower levels of radiation from the FCC license. A cell phone companies lobbying for the U.S. government to increase the permitted levels of emissions emitted by mobile phones.