When you go shopping, take along with you, as a checklist to help you choose the best iPhone 4 case which you can find:
Tip # 1) Think about where you carry your phone tour. Some people slip them into their bags and others are in their pockets. If you use your pockets, thinner is better when it comes to the phone case. You do not want to have a bulge in your pocket every time the phone is there.
TIP # 2) Think about the material it is made. It must meet several criteria,. It should be able to protect your phone in case of a fall, it should be waterproof and it should have holes in all the places where the iPhone has attachments
Tip # 3) Think about the material from which the case is made of. Silicon or rubber may look good and be very thin, but getting in or out of pocket can be bothered. They tend to stick and you'll fumble around a lot. The skin that is polished and looks good is the best. If you go for the plastic, make sure you choose strong.
TIP # 4) In the end, of course, you have to think about what your style? If you are all smooth, go for the elegant and chic. If you have any macho, iPhone 4 will be the case for you as well. Whatever you choose, make sure it compliments your style and reinforces who you are.